3 sugar free desserts for this summer

We’re going to propose 3 delicious recipes for easy to make, sugar free, no-bake desserts so that you can enjoy the arrival of the heat and refresh yourself with these 3 healthy and delicious recipes. Put your apron on and let’s cook!

Sugar free summer desserts

Enjoy our three recipe proposals: a biscuit ice cream cake, a mango ice cream cake, and a chia pudding. We explain how to make them step by step and the ingredients you’ll need below.

Biscuit ice cream cake

Ice cream cake is a summer classic! This is a fun, refreshing option to make with children that kids and grown-ups will like.

Ingredients (serves 6-8): 200g Sugar Free Maria, 500g whipped cream, 2 tbsp ground cinnamon, 150ml milk.

Method: Whip the cream with 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon. Dip the biscuits in the milk (so they soften a little, but not too much). In a freezer safe mould place a layer of biscuits, then a layer of whipped cream, another layer of biscuits, and a final layer of whipped cream. Freeze for at least 24 hours. Remove from the freezer, slice servings, and serve with a little cinnamon on top for decoration.

Mango ice cream cake

Ice cream cake is a good option to finish a delicious summer meal. Make it the day before to ensure it is set and fresh.

Ingredients (serves 6-8): For the base (6 Sugar Free Digestives,, 80g desiccated coconut, 100g dates). For the filling (150g raw cashew nuts soaked for 8 hours, 120g mango, 125ml coconut milk, 4 tbsp agave syrup. For the topping (2 tbsp sugar free peach marmalade).

Method: For the base: crush the biscuits in a food processor. Blend the desiccated coconut with the dates in a food processor. Mix the biscuits with the dates and coconut and spread over the base of a round silicone mould. Leave to set in the fridge whilst preparing the filling.

For the filling: Strain the previously soaked cashews and dry. Using a food processor blend the cashews with the mango, coconut milk, and agave syrup. Place on top of the biscuit base and freeze for at least 6 hours (ideally overnight). Remove the cake from the mould and cover with a fine layer of sugar free peach marmalade. Cut slices and serve.

No Sugar Added Oaty Biscuit chia pudding

Chia pudding is fibre-rich and healthy option, which is perfect for finishing a summer meal.

Ingredients (serves 2): 2 natural preferably creamy yoghurts, 2 spoons chia seeds, 5 No Sugar Added Oaty biscuits, raspberries.

Method: Prepare the pudding first. Add one spoon of chia seeds to each yoghurt. Mix in thoroughly and leave the mixture to set for three hours in the fridge. Then prepare the dessert in two glasses or small glass jars. First, place a base of No Sugar Added Oaty Biscuits. Take 6 biscuits and crush thoroughly. Split evenly into the bottom of the glasses or jars. Set aside some of the crushed biscuits to use for decoration.

Next, add the chia pudding that has been setting in the fridge for 3 hours. Place it on top of the base in the glasses and fill to the brim. Top tip: if your pudding is too thick, you can thin it by adding a little non-dairy milk or milk. Lastly, decorate the top with some of the crushed biscuits set aside earlier and decorate with a couple of raspberries.

Review 3 sugar free desserts for this summer.

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