Fun snacks for children

Over the course of the day, it is important to have various intakes of food. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner must be the biggest intake whilst mid-morning and mid-afternoon you can choose from snack options, such as those we will explain to you below. Discover the delicious snack proposals we recommend for your kids!

What are the best options for between meals?

It is important to adjust mid-morning and mid-afternoon food intakes to the needs of each child. Factors such as the physical activity they do and what the rest of the day’s meals will be may determine the amount and type of food to be eaten as snacks between meals.

For children that, for example, have a very small breakfast first thing in the morning because they don’t have much of an appetite we can offer them bigger mid-morning snacks and for children who have physically intense afternoons we can also give them more filling snacks in the afternoon.

Make note of the different snack options for children and adapt the amount and type of options you offer based on your kids’ needs.

Ten delicious snack options for children

Below we show you ten options for snacks that are suitable for both mid-morning and mid-afternoon.

  1. Sliced apple and peanut butter sandwich

Peel the apple, remove the core, and cut into slices. Spread a little peanut butter over one slice and place the two slices together like a sandwich.

  1. ‘Shark milk’ with banana, cinnamon, and our Gluten-Free Dibus Sharkies.

Serve up a homemade milkshake made from milk, banana, and a pinch of cinnamon, and store it in the fridge before serving cold. The banana and cinnamon give it a delicious sweet touch with no need to add sugar. Serve in a bowl and let our chocolate sharkies swim free. They’ll love it!

  1. Pear and oat flake smoothie.

A smoothie can be an ideal option for a mid-morning or afternoon snack. If you’re out the house you can take it with you in a sealed cup or container and enjoy it wherever you go.

  1. Chocolate-dipped mandarin segments.

A great option for a special day! Peel a few mandarins, spread a thin layer of melted dark chocolate over half of each one, and finally lay them out on a tray covered in baking paper. Leave to cool until the chocolate is hard.

A fantastic option for when the day calls for something sweet!

  1. Dibus Mini Cereal  with homemade cocoa milkshake

Make a cocoa milkshake by blending milk (or your favourite non-dairy milk), 1 date for sweetness, and cocoa powder.

Serve with delicious Dibus Mini Cereal Angry Birds biscuits.

  1. Cheese and grape sticks.

You can use some cocktail sticks to make snacks with slices of grape and cheese cubes.

Cut the grapes in half and remove the seeds to make the sticks easier to eat.

  1. Dibus Mini Choco and fruit salad

Make a fruit salad by choosing the 3 fruits your kids most like (for example, banana, kiwi, and apple). Serve your fruit salad with some Dibus Mini Choco biscuits.

  1. Dried fruit and nuts.

Fill a bowl (or container if it’s going to be eaten on the go) with a mix of their favourite dried fruits (raisins, apricots, mango…) and nuts (walnuts, almond, pine nuts, hazelnuts…). A tasty mix. We recommend trying out a mix of mango and pumpkin seeds.

  1. Homemade banana and oat pancakes.

Make pancakes by blending 1 banana, 85g oats, 180ml milk, and 1 egg. Leave the batter to rest for 30 mins and then make the pancakes in a non-stick pan coated with a little olive oil.

  1. Ham and cheese rolls

Simple and quick to make. Make your favourite ham and cheese rolls.


Which snack are you going to make first? We hope we have given you some good snack ideas and you try them out with your family.
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